Rapper Chaos Kid, later known as a talented singer with the stage name Snafu, born in USA by the name of James Deel, was a member of Hype-N-Effect and Bassmint Poductions, which was later rebranded with the name Soul Intent because of financial problems. They were a Hip Hop group created by Mathew Ruby (Stage name DJ Butter Fingers/DJ Butteh Fingiz) and his twin brother Michael Ruby (Stage name Manix), both Detroit residents at the time.
After the afore mentioned group produced several EP's and Demo's with Chaos Kid and others, the group only lasted til 1995. Soul Intent consisted of rappers Eminem (M&M), Chaos Kid (James Deel), the group also had honorary members who only appeared on 1-2 tracks each which were Proof, a man who missed his 15 minutes of fame with stage name Vitamin C, Caucasian Pimp (Jason Fields) an artist that is known for his 1990 untitled song, released before Soul Intent even existed, Howard Allen Thacker (who is now a semi politician to try and help Detroit) his stage name being MC Howard Funk . The group also included two singers Delirious D. who featured on Chaos Kid's Enuff is Enuff, and fellow rapper Tim Kelly, stage name V-Top. The Ruby brothers were the DJ's and producers themselves to stay close to the music and save money.
James decided to go a different direction, being inspired by artists such as Nirvana, Arrested Development and Rage Against the Machine. He changed his stage name to Snafu and wrote songs that included rap as well as singing under the band name The Some of Wizdum.
He had fought mental illness for most of his life, until he couldn't anymore.
On September 28th 2011 James Deel lost the battle to a (sometimes stigmatized) illness, and took his own life.
You fought with all that you had just to stay with us as long as you could, may you finally be at peace.
Forever Missed;
James Deel, the only one who made Chaos sound like a party.